Thursday, May 24, 2012

SO glad I took this class

From writing my Project 4, I have realized how glad I took this class.  I have learned so much about how to write a paper plus many things about Vampires!  At first I took this class because I figured I would be able to argue all class about how Edward is better than Jacob, but boy was I wrong.  I think anyone who is remotely interested in learning not only about Vampires but about how to grow as a writer should definitely take this class!

Breaking Dawn part II

I can't wait for this November! I was actually surprised and impressed at the latest Twilight film (Breaking Dawn part I)
I can't wait to see how the next one is going to turn out! I heard Kristen Stewart got acting lessons....I'll make sure to pay close attention to see if she actually did.

How does a book become a sensation?

Today I was walking around Barnes and Noble observing the hundreds and hundreds of books they offer.  I wondered, how does a book today become popular? (I'm talking about the same level as Twilight and HP)  Meaning, there are just as many other great books out there but who decides which one will get more attention?  I mean, there must have been someone who picked up Twilight before it became popular to read Twilight.  What if that person had picked up another book and had been just as satisfied with it and told all of his/her friends about it.  It is interesting to think about.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Katherine G's Posts

Blog #15
Our presentation went great other than the fact we went over majorly but our last class was wednesday so now we are just responsible for our last project essay... I'm hoping mine turns out okay because as of now its going to need to revision! Overall i have to say i really enjoyed the class because it was so layer back but interesting at the same time and gave me a different perspective of how to look at the different writings  rather than everything being so structural!

Blog #8
Out of all the books we read and compared to Twilight I felt that Northanger Abbey was the closest to Twilight

Blog #5
I think by watching the Northanger Abbey movie clips in class today, it helped me get more of a visual outlook on the book.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Topic sentences

Topic sentences are always nice thing to have at the beginning of your essay. They inform the reader of what you're going to talk about and gives them a basic outline of your thoughts. I think, however, that sometimes they're not the best approach to certain writing. I like to think that a little attention getter wouldn't hurt anyone. Sometimes, talking about something related to a topic, perhaps a story, is a good way to grab your reader. Once you've done that, in my opinion, you can tell them straight forward what your piece is really about. If those first couple of sentences are extremely boring, then you already lost your reader. Topic sentences are essential, but placing them in the right place can be the deal breaker.

Blog 4

I never have someone look at my writing before i turn it in. I suppose that would be  a good tool for my writing. I think the main reason why i never give my paper to someone is because i procrastinate everything. The few times that I've had someone look at it has been extremely helpful because not only do they give me advice on content, but on grammar too, which is my weakest spot in my writing. One of the things that i always want form my peers is help in grammar. I always have pretty good ideas but which is a reason why my grammar is bad. Once i start writing, i don't like to stop and think about how my essay is technically written. 

Procrastinator is my middle name

Sometimes I leave an assignment till the very last day. Of course, when that day comes I think, why didn't I give myself enough time? Most of the time, I procrastinate papers. Any other homework I have to do, I do it on a timely basis. I think that the main reason why I procrastinate papers is because there is so much to do, and it takes so much time to do them. Of course, if they take so much time, why not start early? Also, I tend to wait because i'm not interested in the material. I've always liked to write creative stories. Writing itself is not the problem, it's the boredom i'll be faced with. I find it very helpful to give myself small deadlines like,
1. Find your sources by monday.
2. Read them by Tuesday.....etc.
I like that approach, but i think in the future i would like to just write it all at once, and spend the rest of the time making it better.
I want so badly for Cathrine to steal some of General Tinleys wealth, or burn down Northanger Abbey, or something that puts that piece of shit in his place. Of all the books we read, I believe General Tilney is certainly the biggest douche bag. Even though he is incredibly wealthy, his only concern seems to be the financial well being of the individuals he encounters. Get over yourself, bro. You can't eat money, you can't use money to heal disease, you can't repopulate with money. Yeah, having money is really awesome, but so is having sex, or making the people around you laugh, or living in a mansion/castle. If I was Catherine, I would have taken the most expensive item in the Abbey and beat the General senseless with it.

-Will T
Voluptous. Stoker definitely didn't use that word to describe Lucy and Mina enough (that was sarcasm). I've liked getting to watch the attempt to steal these young ladies' purity during the second half of the novel by Dracula. To have two similar young women who are proper and pure seems so interesting when remembering that the story involves an ancient vampire. I don't know if I'm just weird, but I think that Dracula should have been the one that takes Lucy away from the suitors and has her to himself. Bi-creatural sex. Ooh la la.

-Will T
I am sort of disappointed in Jacob for leaving the pack. I feel that no one experiences that much betrayl and decides to return to the rescue just because they are infatuated with someone. Though it was cool that Jacob was so loyal (I guess), I would have loved to see a vampire vs werewolf showdown during a grueling vampire/human/potential-monster birth. Not everyday a monster is born, why not start a war as well. But instead he came to the rescue like a good friend, which is great and all but what about the jealousy that Jacob has to be feeling that the girl he is in love with is having a monster child that is against nature with the only guy that Jacob pretty much hates. If stories could be added up in a calculator, pressing the equal button wouldn't result in ?Jacob come to Bella's rescue?

- Will T

Monstrous Desire: The 19th Century Origins of Twilght: The Vampyre

Monstrous Desire: The 19th Century Origins of Twilght: The Vampyre: In class we had to read  "The Vampyre" by John Polidori . The vampire in this story is definitely different from the vampires in twilight ye...'

Bria B

Monstrous Desire: The 19th Century Origins of Twilght: Byron's The Giaour

Monstrous Desire: The 19th Century Origins of Twilght: Byron's The Giaour: So now we are reading The Giaour which is actually quite confusing for me to read. Luckily my teacher wen through the poem step by step to e...

Bria B

Monstrous Desire: The 19th Century Origins of Twilght: Project Two

Monstrous Desire: The 19th Century Origins of Twilght: Project Two: Currently in class we are working on project two... in which we have to write comparing a novel to the Twilight Saga... Im doing the Twiligh...

- Bria B
Today our group is finally getting together to finish up our project 3.  Will is typing up the powerpoint while we all give him all our sources and information.  Im severely hungry, so I have to make a quick run down to latenight to hold me off from starvation.  We finally get it completed and head back home satisfied and ready to present
- Matt L
Today we presented our project 3 to the class.  There were some extra faces i’ve never seen before in the crowd, so that added to my nervousness. We recite all the things we talked about, and suprisingly, it went better then I thought it would.  I hope to god we get a good grade on this.
- Matt L
Today in class we went over the end of dracula.  After Mrs. Amy was done giving us the synopsis of what happened, we were asked to write our own ending to the story.  Me, stephanie, and Jenessa had a great time making up our own story, and I have to wasn’t too shabby.
- Matt L

Friday, May 11, 2012

 Bella's first few days as a vampire was really not what i had expected. She was way too perfect and calm. I was really looking forward to a little violence from her because now she isn't the pathetic human who always breaks a bone or something. She's a newborn with the creepy red eyes and a thirst for blood. Why can't she be at least a little destructive with something other than her new wardrobe?

- Katie M
I don't think i could be a vampire novelist. There are so many different kinds of Vampires movies, series, and books out now that I'm having trouble keeping up. And they all have Vampires with different abilities and characteristics. Meyer really amped up the playing field with her idea of vampire/human/werewolf/hybrid families. I wonder what the next big contribution to the world of Vampires will be?

-Katie M

Blog 14 To be Famous or Not to be Famous

We all know how famous all the actors from the Twilight Saga are. But, have you ever stopped to think if it would be that way if they hadn't done the movies? Yes, all of them had played a few other roles before taking on their roles in Twilight. However, they honestly weren't that well known before then. Nevertheless, who is to say that they never would have gotten as extremely famous as they did in the Twilight Saga movies?

Blog 13 Twilight Series (Books and Movies)

First off, I have to say that I did enjoy the Twilight series books when they came out. Plus, I was excited about the movies coming out too. When I went to see Twilight, I was definitely disappointed. Everything about the movie could of been way better. I think all the movies, so far, could of followed the books a lot closer than they did. Plus, most of the acting was just awful. *Cough, cough* Kristen Stewart.

Blog 10 Bella

Isabella Swan is a disgrace to the female population. Throughout the Twilight series, she's been absolutely useless, helpless, and in need of protection by both the vampires and werewolves. The only parts that she seems even remotely independent and strong is when she's pregnant with Renesmee and after she's turned into a vampire. Even then, she still needs help while she's pregnant, protecting her ferom herself, and protecting Renesmee. It's a wonder Bella hadn't ended up dead before this point due to all her "accidents." Of course, this is abook written by a woman who wanted a happy ending, I suppose.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog Post #3

Annotated bibliographies (hope I spelled that right). What is the point? How many times have you read through a book or paper or article or anything and actually read the sources page. I understand the sources page has to be there, and for good reason, but when no one actually reads it why go through all the trouble of annotating it??
-Jacob D

Good and Bad Judgments

In class this week we were asked the question where should Catherine, a character from Northanger Abbey, get her judgement from? Should it be from the novels she reads, or should it be from somewhere else? I personally think it should not be from the novels, or any type of fiction, but it should be from her own experiences, as well as from other people she holds in high regards. Judgement, defined in the dictionary, is "the ability to form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action" (dictionary). If this is the case, Catherine in forming her judgement should have been wise enough to recognize real from unreal.

The last post I had was how Catherine was trying to figure out real from unreal. Her obsession with novels I proposed would get her into some serious trouble. In our last reading of the book, this is precisely what happened. She made known to her lover, Henry Tilney, that she suspected his father to have murdered his mother. This accusation took him aback, and he became furious with her. It lead to consequences that Catherine definitely did not expect. Her judgement was clouded by her obsession with the mysteries that she read in her novels. She would have recognized her faults immediately if she had brought reason and reality into her thought process.

All of this is too say, we should not bring fiction into reality. Books are suppose to be an escape from the present, not a way for us to incorporate its absurd concepts into real life. They are especially not meant to be a way to judge current situations. Never let a fiction book do your thinking for you. Make your own judgements from your own life experiences, and what your know to be truth. If you don't, you will end up in trouble every time, as we have seen with Catherine Moorland.

Blog Post #2

confession: i have never read a single Twilight book in my life. i have seen all of the movies (except for the one that hasn't came out yet of course) and i was still able to folloW along in class with what everyone was talking about. so to those of you out there who complaIn about How the movies are soooo much different thAn the books I say this: They may be a little diffErent, but not very much. i mean there was nothing that was said in class that i didn't know about fRom watching the how different can it be?
-Jacob D

Blog Post #1

Thinking back on the article we read about the rape or whatever that goes on throughout the Twilight series makes me mad...I mean there is no way that the author was trying to send a message that was anywhere close to that. People who have nothing better to do than go through books and try to find something that really isn't there just to try and stir something up need to get a real job.
-Jacob D


When reading the book Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan I was shocked by one illuminating factor. Why in the world would you trust a stranger and invite them into your house? Or the more pressing question, who would leave their daughter, their only daughter, with a stranger? The only conclusion I could come up with is that people were a lot more trusting back then in almost everything. They didn't worry about a stranger trying to take advantage of them, or being violated in any way.

We have come so far in that we no longer would trust a stranger for anything. Our culture has changed so much over the past 200 years, that we can no long can trust a stranger to help us without suspecting some underlying motive in their actions. Will there ever be time that we can trust strangers again? Although our cultural is constantly changing, I have a feeling that this will be one aspect of it that will always be the same. Never trust a stranger.

Vampires Over Time

Vampires have changed so much over time. First we had the scary Dracula who was always out for peoples blood. However, we did not stay with this form of vampires. Instead, we changed them to be hippies in the lost boys, non-talking beasts in I Am Legend, and sparkling god like creatures in Twilight. There is one aspect about them, however, that has not changed and cannot change in order for them to be considered a vampire. They are still the same unnaturally creature that has to feed on blood.

Do we justify the behavior of a vampire by making them appealing and vegetarians? I think we have deluded ourselves into thinking that a blood sucking monster, that has always been freaky in the past, could change into something that a human could ever be with. Have we changed the character of the vampire so much that we no longer see the reality of who they are?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Twilight Comp 2: Comp 2 Blog 12

Twilight Comp 2: Comp 2 Blog 12: Do you see a problem with how readers are reacting to the Twilight series? My problem is that some of readers of the Twilight series are b...

Twilight Comp 2: Project 1 Proposal

Twilight Comp 2: Project 1 Proposal: I finally finished writing my Proposal for Comp. 2. Although it was nothing I had not already done, it was fairly difficult. I had not thoug...

Twilight Comp 2: Comp 2 Blog 6

Twilight Comp 2: Comp 2 Blog 6: Now that we have turned in our first project for Comp 2, I feel accomplish. I wish I had, had that time to really read N. A, and i guess I w...

Twilight Comp 2: Comp 2 Blog 9

Do you like the structure of Dracula – reading the story in the form of journals, diaries, newspaper clippings, etc?

I do like reading Dracula in a journal, dairy, and newspaper clipping like forms. It makes the story seems more realistic, instead of your typical fantasy vampires fiction. Like twilight it uses the realistic structures to make the subject of vampirism appeal to a wide variety of audience.

Dracula vs Twilight

Personally I somewhat would recommend Dracula to my vampire-liking friends. But the only thing I find uninteresting about Dracula is the beginning of the book. It is quite slow, and almost boring. Compared to Twilight's beginning, Dracula's is dry and lifeless.



I have found her and if you thought you were the biggest Twilight fan you have been living a lie. This some what leaves me speechless!!! The reason it leaves me speechless is because I really believe this girl. I have blogged about Twilight Tattoos, stories of kids biting people because of Twilight, and even a suicide attempt because of Twilight but this takes the CAKE!!! I believe this poor girl has a serious mental disorder and is in desperate need of being institutionalized. Her name is Anita but goes by Anita "Launter" and is a teenage girl who is TWILIGHT!!! I found her video on YouTube here
I will take some of her quotes and allow you to determine if she is the biggest Twilight Fan!!!!!

Lets look at the background in this video, Numerous twilight posters, Twilight cardboard cut outs, Twilight quotes painted on the wall, and Anita a teenage girls in a WEDDING DRESS!!!!


"I am in love with the world they live in, and the air they breath" in regards to Twilight she explains her love goes past Edward's Hair and Jacobs abs.

Stand in line for 98hours for Twilight

wears Twilight shirts at home, school, and work

she makes up her own twilight songs to sign for reporters

paint twilight quotes on her walls

recognize she is insane but dose not care!!!

"I take a BULLET for any member of the cast any day"

she dreams about Twilight every single night

Every school project is over Twilight


Twilight Suicide

Twilight Suicide

For my blogs i try to research crazy stories surrounding around Twilight. This has to be the most outrageous article. Not in the since that suicide is a joke or the girls mental health but rather the author of the article. I want to state that due to the pure ridiculousness of this storey i don't believe it is true. This article is from "where the worthwhile come to worship and unsaved are not welcome". This is a extreme christian website. The story is of a teenage girl name Cindy May, told by pastor deacon Fred during church. The story goes that Cindy May skipped bible study and lied to her parents to go see Twilight with her friends. She arrived 15 minutes late and tip toed into the living room where her parents were. It says that "The Holy Ghost convicted her right there on the living room floor!" and she told her parents that she skipped Bible study to see Twilight. The father then grabbed Cindy May by the hair and threw her down to the basement where he proceeded to beat her with the bible. Pastor Deacon Fred describes it as "Mr. Reynolds spanked his ugly teenage daughter over her naked hind side with a King James Bible until she stopped crying, and the only words that came out of her lips before she lost consciousness were, 'I'm sorry, Daddy - I'm sorry I let you down. May Jesus forgive me.'" Wow keep in mind this was said during church. Cindy May was left in the basement for two hours to think about what she did, after two hours they found Cindy May had broke both her legs in a suicide attempt. This does not sound like the conventional suicide attempts i have heard of but oh well. The story goes on and Cindy May survives. Pastor Deacon Fred continues to describe Cindy May in such a way it hard to believe he is a man of god. "We all know that Cindy May is not one of the most attractive girls in this Church" this is a little raw. It only gets better listen to this, "Christian parents with unattractive teenage daughters should take heed that Twilight is a film that is driving ugly ducklings into fits of primal lust," he warned. "This movie preys on little unwanted girls, who can count the number of friends they have on one finger! WOW!!!! I cant believe any one would sit and lessen to him. ?Pastor Deacon Fred wraps it up with "Twilight suggests they should end their lives and become vampiresses to spend eternity with handsome vampire gentlemen who don't care how unsightly a young gal is to look upon!Twilight is hitting America's poor teenage Christian girls in their heart strings, promising them the gift of eternal life with no social concerns! It is a perversion of the story of Christ." I am not even going to bother to write a complete review over this article. I think any one with a moral conscious and basic common sense can come up with there own conclusion.

Boy bites class mates after Twilight

The story is that a 13 year old boy bit 11 of his class mates over a month period of time after seeing the Twilight movie. I think this is another satire article brought to you by a religious website against Twilight. I find these article very amusing. I do not by any means condone these actions of this 13 year old boy but i will take a look at it from the belief it is satire. I do want to give this boy credit for taking twilight further then any other Twitard. There are twilight fans who believe they are vampires and per take in drinking blood of animals and human bought blood but i haven't read any where about them actually biting people.This boy has raised the bar for twitards all over the world. I would like to show you one quote from the article "All these behaviors of course will snowball into adult habits that will lead to a criminal life and eventually early death.

If you notice your teen son or daughter wearing questionable clothing that you don’t like and they have seen Twilight movie or own the related vampire manual books (check their rooms), it’s only a matter of time before they are out having wild sex, catching disease and drinking animal blood." WOW. This is just a small sample of the article. I hope you find this funny enough to read. I will take this from a more realistic stand point.

1. The fact that a 13 year old boy bit one person is alarming enough!!! but here is where i believe this article is fake due to the fact it states he bit 11 students in a month period. First of all this would be under national scrutiny and the school district would have several civil suits brought against it for allowing this child to remain in school and putting the other students safety in jeopardy.

2. The statistics in this article are not cited with any relevant sources. "they are humors tho"

3. The website is a christian radical website.

4. If your child bites some one at the age of 13, i don't believe twilight is to blame but believe there is possibly other significant psychological issues that need to be addressed.

5. Finally if one kid was bit i believe the other kids would have stayed away from this child like the plague and i highly doubt 10 other kids would come close enough to be bit by him.

Summer Time

I took my one and only final this morning at 8! Besides having to get up and take a final at 8 the rest of the day has been good, and now I have finished up my freshman year of college, well except for having to write project 4, and now it is summer time. Summer is my favorite time of the year. Swimming, working at camps, and hanging out with friends and family members is what I plan on doing this summer and I am so excited. And it all starts now!! Hope everyone has a great summer!

No More Comp Classes

Comp II is over and for most of us that means no more comp classes. No more comp classes doesn't mean that writing is over with also. There will still be term papers and other essays that will have to be written in other classes that aren'r related to English. I hope that everything I have learned in Comp I and Comp II will stick with me and help me in my writing when I am having to write a term paper or another essay in the future.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Entry #12: Shorten Essay Length!

This week started off with me having to take my final for college algebra. I studied for weeks for this final, because I didn’t want to fail it again like how I did last semester. But when I go to the Testing Center, I find out that the whole system was down and not working, so no one could take their final. Of course I immediately freaked right the fuck out, but all turned well when about 15 minutes later, the system opened back up and I was able to take my final. I passed with a low C! Which gave me a B for the class. 
But besides algebra, I also took a final for Media and Society, and plus a final for World Literature on Thursday, and then the 5-7 page essay for this class due Friday. It seemed like a lot on my plate, but I know there’s other students who have it way worse than I do, so I’m grateful.
But I still think the essay for this class should just be 3-4 pages, not 5-7 pages, because that’s inconsiderate to those students who DO have too much on their plate. :)
Dracula v. Twilight
I liked the Twilight Series more than Dracula. Twilight was written more like a story and seemed to have more character development than Dracula. Dracula was hard to follow with the way it was written. Both books focus on vampires having relationships with humans. In Twilight Bella and Edward were in love and Edward didn't want to take her life away by turning her into one of his kind. Dracula, on the other hand, wanted to take Mina and make her his companion and helper. Dracula fed off of humans and used mind control to take advantage of others, Edward spent his time saving Bella and taking care of her. Dracula is a good example of the early stereotype of "vampires", dark, scary and threatening. Edward is an example of what people today consider a vampire, charming, loving and sparkly. The two books show how vampire stereotypes have changed.
In class for our last project we talked about using writing in everyday life. I think this is important because nearly everyone has facebook, texting and twitter these days. More conversations become over social media or texting than in person so it's imperative to have writing skills and be be able to use them correctly
I have yet to start on our last project but I plan on writing most of it tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be too hard because most of it is opinion and explaining what we learned in our comp classes this year. I think my favorite book we read this semester was Dracula. It was written in a different way I didnt really like but I think after getting about half way through Breaking Dawn I was sick of The Twilight Saga. Theres too many things that are unrealistic about it. For instance Edward can't get Bella pregnant he has no body fluids or blood running through his veins and the ending was kind of boring. It should have ended with a fight like most of the other books did.
Allison Geisz

Final Project

Slightly stressed this week. But we got the assignment for our last project and it really doesn't seem TOO bad. I do know from last semester that writing about yourself is actually harder than one would think. It feels too forced to try to talk about how I've grown as a writer and how writing has helped me and whatnot.. Time to get started. Although reading the Fifty Shades series is so much more appealing... 

So it's a little late but...

LAST WEEK OF CLASS!!!! (: Just finishing up Dracula and whatnot. I'm already starting my final project. I'm really hoping to get this done WAY before the final day so that I can focus on other finals. But I'm honestly glad to be done writing blog posts. I feel a little redundant. Only a few more days in Fayetteville and then I'm heading home to do more school and go back to work. YAY for summer! 

Twilight Fan Fiction (:

 So this week, I started reading a fan fiction series called Fifty Shades of Grey. It's a 3 book series and right now only the first one is out in paper book on Amazon. These books are already set to be movies too! In reading them, you totally get the Edward/Bella feel, but with a totally different twist and it's GREAT! I have all of the e-books so if any of you girls in class want to read them, just let me know! I'll email them to anyone. (:

Vegetarian Predisposition

The Cullens calling themselves "vegetarians" is really a clever way to think about it. Though they still drink blood, drinking the blood of animals rather than humans, seems a more appropriate way to live as a vampire when considering the rather gruesome alternative. But would a lifestyle choice to be a vegetarian as a human make it easier for a vampire to deny themselves the calling of human blood after their turning? It has been a topic of debate in recent decades that eating meat is inhumane when the treatment and raising of the animal being served as dinner is questioned. Claiming that vegetarianism is more humane in reality (because it is), would it then be correct to assume that vegetarianism as a vampire is the lesser of two evils? The Cullens believe it is, as do fans of the series. So keeping that in mind, would consuming no meat as a human, make it easier to be a "vegetarian" as an immortal due to the parallelism between the two moral choices?

Jacob and Nessie...

Is anyone else but me made queasy by the relationship between Jacob Black and Nessie Cullen? Though their relationship hasn't really been defined, or at least not that I recall, it's pretty clear which way it will turn out in the future (or it seems that way to me). Despite Nessie's accelerated aging, I find it difficult to stomach that in less than ten years she'll reach full maturity and be considered old enough to do as she pleases, with whomever she pleases, most likely the Saga's favorite werewolf. Did Jacob really need a happy ending so much that after being snubbed by Bella multiple times that Stephanie Meyer just had to make him imprint on the child of the woman he loves? Since he couldn't have all of Bella, I find it bizarre that Meyer thought it was a great idea to let him have half of her in a way that was basically creepy rather than sweet. Other than the infant's parents and immediate family, who falls in love with a baby, literally at first sight and in a romantic manner? Apparently Jacob Black. Though I know he didn't choose to imprint on Nessie, it was a surprise in the novel that I found and still find difficult to handle and the event as a whole never struck me as sweet or cute. Then again, to avoid a war between the vampires and wolves, it was the only way to keep the Cullens and Nessie safe without potentially losing a family member or pack member so perhaps that was Meyer's intention all along.

Please tell me that I'm not alone in this thought...

Positive or Negative?

When it comes to vampires and their immortality, I think we all ask each other what it would like to be immortal, good or bad?
Since, we can’t actually experience this, we have to think about it as if it were happening. I think the question of immortality depends on the character of a person.
If you had a good life before, why would you want to live and watch all of that happiness and your loved ones die around you? However, if you had a bad life before, this new immortality would give you the chance to live it up and do all of the things that you didn’t get to in your previous life. 
It’s hard for me to say whether I would find it good or bad, just because I think being immortal would be cool when I wanted to experience new things and do all the things that I couldn’t before, although I don’t want to be old or grow old alone. You can never settle down with someone or have a normal life unless they were just like you. 
-Hope B

The Monsters

In class we have read many stories that all involve monsters or a one specific type of monster. So far we have been reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer, Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, The Vampyre by John Polidori, and The Giaour by Lord Byron. In three of the following stories, vampires are present. In one of the following stories, the idea of a vampire is present. This is one thing I wanted to bring up. How can the idea of a monster be present, the same way the idea of real monsters are present? In each of the following stories, we see these mysterious individual in each story. Edward, Mr. Tilney’s, Lord Ruthven, and the Giaour. They all have strikingly similar characteristics. They have dark pasts that no one is really certain of. They all have strikingly lovely figures to everyone they meet. Bad or weird things seem to happen around them. and they also seem to good to be true. Although Mr.Tilney’s father doesn’t turn out to be a vampire or something of that nature, Catherine is still given the impression that he is. The rest of the characteristics easily give away their true identity. The Vampyre and the Giaour deal with death. While Breaking Dawn is a never ending problem. Something is constantly wrong. What I think is neat is the different perspectives of stories that deal with the same problem or characteristics of monsters. 
- Hope B

Why Twilight?

There are a lot of people who have a strong view on Twilight, whether it be an opposing view or positive view. Everyone seems to ask, “Why Twilight?”. Before I can talk about why others seem to love or hate Twilight, I have to say way Twilight works for me.  
Besides the typical teenage romance that most teenagers fall for, I saw Twilight for more than just that. You have Bella, her parents are divorced and she has to move to a new state and school. So, there are two things that catch my attention and make her similar to me. My parents are divorced and I, like many others have had to pick up and move to a new state, new school, and meet completely new people.  This is really tough on a teenage girl, which I guess is why I like Bella. 
After saying that, of course I am in love with the romance drama in Twilight. It makes the idea of dating exciting, although my boyfriends have never been a vampire or sparkly. Twilight leaves a lot to the imagination and makes it seem real.
Meyer leaves you with the question of what is going to happen next? For me, this is why I can’t seem to put the books down. Every time I go to reread them, I find myself sinking right back into the story. 
-Hope B

Final Blog!!!! :)

My Twilight English class has been quite an adventure! It’s over after my final paper is submitted. It’s been an experience taking this class, and miss Amy has expanded the realm of composition II to a new level! Been a good ride. Have a great summer!!!
-Molly C

Blog 14

One paper left to go! Five pages. Eek! I’m not really sure how to approach this paper just yet; what I’ve learned and gathered from this non traditional class. Stress level at a max with finals week!
-Molly C

Blog 13

Semester is winding down. I’ve been overwhelmed with homework and now I have a five page paper due in English. It’s about what I’ve learned and grasped from me taking this course. It shouldn’t be a too difficult task, just time consuming. I need to manage my time better. 
-Molly C

project 3

Brendan Mosley blog: project 3: The group project we did on vampires all around the world was very interesting and I learned a lot from this group work. who would of known that vimpires were so world wide and the different ways people looked at them as.

New movie

Brendan Mosley blog: New movie: I heard someone in class today say that they are not happy with the new movie about vampires coming out but I feel that it could still be a good movie just because they make it into a comedy doesnt mean it will hurt the out look on what vampires are supposed to be and how do we know if vampires aren't funny.

Vampire documentary show

Brendan Mosley blog: Vampire documentary show: Wow this little clip about how people really drink blood now in this day and age is crazy I'm think about as I look around at people after class it makes me wonder if any of the people i may know actually do this kind of stuff to.

Two Tales

Having all taken separate paths, the group hunting Dracula has no idea where their counterparts are. Each set seems to arrive moments within each other, nor knowing they had all devised the same plan. They sneak around the outside of the castle. Arthur hears footsteps coming around the bend, and blindly shoots. However, he does not realize that the person rounding the corner is in fact Mina. Arthur is devastated, as all the other men hear the shot they come running to find her dead. They pat him on the shoulder and tell him it is ok, that there were planning on killing her anyway. Because the mind connection with Dracula was lost, they were not capable of knowing that he was about to attack. Dracula takes out Van Helsing first, and uses his body to kill Arthur and the remaining men. Dracula lives to kill again.


Having all taken separate paths, the werewolves hunting Dracula have no idea where the Cullen clan is. As the werewolves approach the castle of Dracula they notice Edward scaling the walls. However, they did not notice Dracula pull up in his tinted-window Ferrari, with Mina in the passenger seat. As the sun went down and Dracula was getting out of his car, Carlisle gave Dracula one last chance: “Go vegan, join us.” Dracula merely laughed and grabbed Mina by the hand and walked straight into the sunset. With some sun left they both perished. They threw a party in the castle to celebrate.


My Vampire Heritage

Because Dr. Seward and Quincey left for Count Dracula’s castle first they were the first ones to encounter Dracula’s evil vicious devilish dogs. The wind blowing when a howl pierced air. A shiver ran down Quincy’s back. That’s when Dr. Seward suddenly notices two devilish dogs. As the dogs appear jump the horse making Dr. Seward and Quiency fall on to the ground with a loud thump. As the two men start to run away from the horrible seen, they notice a steamboat ahead on the river near by automatically assuming that it was Jonathan and Arthur.  Having one more last glance at the scene Dr. Seward watches the dogs sink into the ground, as if they were standing in quick sand. Upon boarding the boat Dr. Seward updates the other two gentlemen about what happened to their horse. Eventually they all start towards their destination up the river to Dracula’s Castle.
The group arrived at the castle ready for vengeance. Mina felt a power like no other coursing through her veins. She went on a whim and climbed the castle wall when three beautiful but horrific heads popped out of a window of the castle. They were the three brides of count Dracula. Mina feeling more powerful than ever jumped through the window and in one fowl swoop knocked off the head of two of the vampires. The last one standing shrieked as Mina ninja kicked her head off as well. Mina went further into the castle searching for the Count. She went into the room next door and there he was. She smiled at him seductively and walked towards him slowly.
“You’ve caused me a lot of problems,” she said in a soft voice.
Dracula didn’t answer his ugly eyes boring into her. It gave her shivers but she didn’t show it. Behind the Count coming in through the window was Quincy with a stake she only had to wait another minute of looking into his ugly face. Dracula took a step towards her when Quincy leaped out of the window and drove the stake into his heart.
Dracula was finally dead.
Mina was able to live because Dracula died and he was the one who turned her into a vampire.

Some years later …
Looking back into my past I realize now that my vampire heritage was meant to be. I never expected my family to be so closely tied to vampires. I didn’t know if I should be even more disgusted with myself or more accepting. I had discovered that my parents had fought for their lives against Dracula, one of the most cruel and ancient vampires of all time. A brother of Aero but never talked about because his cruelty was so much worse than any other. My father had killed Dracula while my mother seduced him. My mom came so close to becoming a vampire herself but she did not. They were lucky and wanted to go on living normal lives.
I looked at myself in the mirror, looking at my perfection and beauty that was breathtaking. Would my parents be disappointed in what I had become?
I was nothing like Dracula, I no longer killed humans to feed myself, but I am still a vampire.


Alice by Another Name

As Count Dracula is going up the river in his coffin, Jonathan and Arthur are following in a steamboat, Dr. Seward and Quincey on horseback, and Mina and Van Helsing are traveling by train. They are all feeling the pressure capturing Dracula. Jonathan and Arthur are the first to arrive. They begin to scope out the castle grounds for signs of Dracula. Meanwhile, Mina and Van Helsing are on the train Mina is in a trance and tries to seduce Van Helsing. Soon after Mina snaps out of it and realizes what she was about to do through Dracula’s mind control; this shows as they are getting closer, Dracula’s power becomes stronger. Soon after Mina and Van Helsing arrive at the castle. Mina and Van Helsing decide to split up after Dr. Seward and Quincey arrive. As Mina is searching the castle Dracula’s power takes over and compels Mina to go after Quincey. When Van Helsing and the others find Quincey drained of blood they assume that it was Dracula’s lurking about the castle. They begin to search for Mina in fear that she is in danger; when they find Mina she is with Dracula learning in for a kiss. As they rush towards Mina and Dracula to stake them they vanish into a cloud of fog. Mina and Dracula were never seen again. The group dies, with have never finding Dracula and Mina. Dracula and Mina fled all the way to Italy. After living in Italy for awhile they discovered that they were not the only vampires there. Mina realizes she does not want to be with Dracula. Mina changes her name to Alice to hide her identity. Alice traveled as far as possible to America. She begins to look for her own kind and runs into Jasper. They were in search of a place to call home and run into a whole family of vampires called the Cullens. They joined the family with everyone paired up with a significant other except one. Edward eventually finds Bella and they become married. Unexpectedly Bella becomes pregnant. This problem causes the Volturi to become angry. The Volturi ends up coming to the Cullen house. Once the Volturi arrives Dracula notices Mina. Dracula says that they will only leave Bella alone if Mina is to come with them. The Cullens refuse to give (Mina) Alice up. This leads to a battle between the groups. Bella uses her new found power to create a shield. She makes one around her whole family. The Volturi realize they won’t be able to win this fight. They decided to go back to Italy; however, the Cullens realize they could come back at anytime.


Class Blog #3 Horrible Fight Scene

The Twilight Saga, every movie so far has their fight scenes. Unfortunately they all suck. Half of them you can't even see what is going on and the other half is just too sad to watch. I don't mean sad as in depressing, I mean sad is in just utterly embarrasing. I mean what is the point of having the fight scenes if they aren't even going to be any good? It is just a waste of time to have them in the movies. Hopefully, but highly doubtful, they make the last movie's fight scenes somewhat decent.

Class Blog #2 Twilight? Good Literature?

I have had many discussions with my friends in class about whether or not the Twilight series should be considered good literature. Let's face it, the answer is no. Most young adult series and books are technically not good literature, but they prey on the young minds who have yet to care about whether or not something is written perfectly. If YA novels were good literature then they would get more attention from other audiences. When being honest with ourselves we realize that this is the truth, but we don't really care because perfection isn't exactly what we are looking for. We want something that intrigues or inspires us, and that is what a lot of YA novels do. That is why they may sell amazingly but they still aren't technically good literature.

Class Blog #1 Vampire Human Rape

Okay so there has been discussion that Bella and Edward having sex is like her being raped. If everyone really thought about it rape is being forced to have sex with someone against your will. In my opinion Edward would be the one being raped, not Bella. I mean she basically uses his need to have her against him so that they can do it. He is the one that is afraid of hurting her so he doesn't want to have sex in fear that she could be fatally injured. So before we say that Bella is the victim of rape just look at who is the one trying to initiate the whole sex between a vampire and a human thing.
Project 4 is done! Hello summer! It's been fun

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sexism: Men vs. Women

Men vs. Women

In Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight and the three following novels, sexism is crawling through the Saga’s pages.  The most blatant example is the typical “damsel in distress” Bella Swan and her hero in shining armor, Edward Cullen. Throughout the series, Bella is reliant on Edward and the rest of the Cullen Coven for her safety and is often in mortal and even immortal peril. She is plain, Edward is perfect. There is a fine line that defines sexism in the novels and it doesn’t just appear in the novels two main characters.


Alice:  According to Theorizing Twilight, Alice’s human life was no picnic. Being forced into an insane asylum because of her visions, she likely suffered “beatings, immobilization, choking, strait jackets, smothering and suffocation…”. She is the only Cullen woman, with the exception of Bella’s change later in the series, who gains a useful power. Her ability to see the future though is juxtaposed by her small frame and limited strength.

Rosalie:  After being beaten, abused, and raped by her fiancé and his group of friends, she was left for dead in an alleyway. Later being discovered by Carlisle on the brink of death, she too was turned into a vampire with no power other than sex appeal. Though confident in manner, her attitude is a somewhat positive and negative character trait that often makes her look pigheaded and arrogant.

**I must admit, I hate Rosalie. Though I appreciate her blunt honesty and kick-ass nature, I despise her comments when it comes to the amount of people she’s killed when she states that her record is cleaner in comparison to the other members of her family. Despite the fact that Rosalie has never killed a human out of bloodlust, she has taken revenge and murdered consciously, which I feel is much worse than Esme killing out of instinct and nature once or twice. Okay rant over. **

Esme:  As the matriarch of the Cullen family, she does hold a position of power; however, as a human she had everything but power. Forced into an abusive marriage to please her parents, she endured domestic abuse, which likely included rape and mental abuse as well. Though she eventually regained some of her lost power after running from her husband to protect their child, she later suffered his death and committed suicide. Later turned by Carlisle, she gained no quantifiable power and often fades into the background, only appearing to offer support or comfort as her motherly role dictates.


Jasper: As one of the last members to join the Cullen family, Jasper is really the only male to suffer hardships though most of those were as a vampire, not a human. Being a confederate soldier put him ahead of the rest of his kind when it came to battle, but he still suffered wounds leaving him with scratches all over his body. As a vampire, he teaches the rest of his family to fight which later aides them in their battle with the newborn army.

Emmett:  Possessing immeasurable strength, Emmett must rely on no one. Instead his family often relies on him as a protector. Other than being mauled by a bear in 1935, he suffered no hardships in his human life. Instead he was often the troublemaker that didn’t think of consequences and was a loving young man who enjoyed a fun life.

Carlisle: Though he possesses no quantifiable power like his wife, he is the overall leader and embodies male dominance due to the fact that he created the majority of his coven and often acts as their father. As a human, other than a slightly less intelligent father and losing his mother during childbirth, Carlisle suffered nothing but loneliness. As a vampire, he later exercises his power in deciding to change Edward, Esme, Emmett, and Rosalie.

After looking at the list of characters throughout the saga, it’s easy to detect the large amounts of sexism. Whether or not Stephanie Meyer made the characters this way intentionally, it’s difficult to overlook it without it leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.

Dracula Vs Edward (Taylor Swift You belong with me Parody)

Northanger Abby

Can Northanger Abby become the next Pretty Little Liers? It has everything it needs. The lead female, Catherine Morland. A girl who reads to much and lets what she reads take over how she sees the world. She also has a major crush on her older friend Henry.
The lead male, Henry Tilney. Older then Catherine and with a stronger view of the world; Henry tries to help Catherine out of her naive mind set. He loves his family but never agrees with his dad. Who at first doesn’t have the same feelings towards Catherine as she has towards him but later this gives way.
The mean girl, Isabella Thorpe, Catherine’s best friend turned frenemy. Also a gold digger.
Then bad boy, John Thorpe, he wants into Catherine’s pants (or dress).  
Plus other characters who would fit in perfectly with the Pretty Little Liers… 

Rape in Twilight?! GASP!

Okay, the fact that we spent several classes going over this is insane. 

It is simple logic. Edward is several times stronger then Bella. During sex there is a lot of touching/holding/physical contact in general; also people tend to lose themselves and control. So of course Bella is going to have several injuries after having sex with Edward.

Also rape is when one person is force to have sex with someone else. I am pretty sure neither of them were forcing each other into it. 

We Write What We Know

 People write what they know. 

A white heterosexual Mormon women will write about a world that she knows. If homosexuality is not common in HER world then she will not write about it. If the people SHE is surrounded with are majorly white, THEN THEY WILL BE WHITE in her writings. 

Let me repeat:
People. Write. What. They. Know.
They do not mean to cause harm or make a political statement, when they don't include a race, religion, or sexuality. 
Now, if you want to argue that [insert issue here] is more common these days or whatever, then sure go ahead, but before you do, remember two things:
1) Just because something is common if your world does not mean it is common in someone else’s. The world does not revolve around you. You can see it has one way and the person next you can see it another way. 

Vampires in the Mist

            As all six were traveling three different ways most of them seemed to encounter some kind of disturbance by Dracula. Jonathan and Arthur travelling by steamboat come across a thick fog. This fog was denser than most and caused them to see delusions of all kinds. At one point the crew saw their biggest fears in their companions. This almost caused a blood bath to occur if it hadn’t been for the start of sunrise that immediately lifted the fog.
            As it lifted, Jonathan and Arthur were surprised to see several vampires among the mist. They did not realize that vampires came in many different breeds. These vampires did not seem to be dangerous and they called themselves the Cullens. They continued to explain to Jonathan that they had been looking for Dracula for many centuries. After quickly stating this they fled the boat before the ship’s crew could see that their numbers had been added to.
            The journey on horseback by Dr. Seward and Quincey was not much different from Jonathan and Arthur’s. The deeper they went into the woods the more the sun seemed to disappear. Not only that but dark yellow eyes were following them and increasing the deeper they went. Out of nowhere they were attacked by wolves that seemed to be controlled by a master. Fighting their way through the beast they kicked their horses into gear and raced towards the castle where they encounter Mina and Van Helsing.
            A days wait brought the whole team together. They decide the Mina needs to lead the team into the castle, since she had a connection with Dracula. Making their way deep into the castle they find a room only lit by candlelight with Dracula himself sitting at a table. The tension between the friends seemed to terse up as they entered into the room. All along Dracula had been waiting for them. The surprise however was not on their side. Dracula seemed to have more control over Mina and made her turn on her friends. The only one that escaped was Van Helsing, who was dangerously injured. Arthur, Quincey, and Dr. Seward were killed almost immediately by Mina who was controlled by Dracula. Jonathan wasn’t killed, but he might as well have been. He was enslaved by Dracula to work for him as a slave to torture Mina for the rest of Jonathan’s life.
            After ten years of slavery, Jonathan woke up to find a pleasant surprise. The Cullens who he had briefly met years ago, had finally found Dracula from a vision by Alice. She had seen Jonathan unhappy, and began to recognize the countryside. Soon after they traveled and found Jonathan and killed Dracula. They took Mina to show her to be more like them. Still desperately in love with Mina, Jonathan begs them to turn him into a vampire, which they do, and they can finally be joined back together.


Two New Vampires

            Dracula will arrive at his castle within a day so he’ll have plenty of time to get ready for those who are following him. All of his followers (who are set out to destroy him) reach the castle at the same time. Dracula, meanwhile, is watching through Mina’s eyes as the men plot on how to proceed. As they approach the castle, the smell of rotting flesh reaches them. Mina, the first to see the rotting corpses of the gypsies, lets out a scream resembling a wild animal. Jonathan tries to persuade her to stay back and let the men handle this, but she ignores him. They reach the front door and see that it’s open. One by one they enter through the door. Van Helsing (after learning through Mina that Dracula’s coffin is in the basement) sends Mina and Jonathan to destroy the coffin, while the others split up in search for Dracula. As they reach the basement, Mina starts to change. She falls to the floor with a blood-curdling scream. Jonathan jumps to her side at the same time Dracula appears out of the shadows. Jonathan reaches for his host to ward of Dracula at the same time a giant blinding blue/white tornado of light appeared and two strangely dressed people emerged. “Cairo, this is your final warning. Come back with us as you can live. But if you don’t, then we will stop you,” said a strange blond and pretty man. “Never!! You shall all die!” shouted Dracula and he lunged toward the younger man with brown hair. All the while, Mina still lay screeching on the ground. “It’s okay sweetie, everything will be all right,” cooed Jonathan. A sharp sound turned Jonathan’s head toward the strangers. He saw Dracula’s head hit the floor as the others tore apart the rest of his body. The blond man came to Jonathan’s side while the other one started a fire and burned what was left of Dracula. “She’s changing. There’s nothing more we can do for her. But if you do not want to lose her, then you can join her.” The blond man held Mina’s hand. “It won’t be long now.” Jonathan knew there was only one answer. “I can’t lose her. Do whatever shall be done, but don’t let me lose her.” The younger man can over by his friend. “It is done Carlisle. We don’t have long until the portal reopens.” “Thank you Edward,” said Carlisle. Turning to Jonathan he held out his hand. “Give me your hand.” Jonathan did as he asked. Carlisle bit his hand, and Jonathan fell to the floor screaming next to his now silent wife. Then everything turned back into a white/blue whirlwind of air and then everything went black.
“Jonathan, wake up,” Mina said. “Come on, we must leave soon.” Jonathan opened his eyes. “Where are the others?” “Dead, they were killed by Dracula’s wives.” “Where are the wives now?” “Dead. I destroyed them.” Mina became to explain everything to Jonathan as they walked out into the sparkling sunshine, the dawn of a new day and life.


Suspense and Soul-Sucking

While on the train from Varna to Galatz, Van Helsing was becoming increasingly anxious, though he knew not the exact reason for the thick tension that now invaded upon the space of his and Mina’s train car. He was certain, however, that his stress was the product of one of two things; perhaps even both: their shortening distance to the confrontation with the Count or his companion’s furtive and increasingly frequent glances in his direction. A few kilometers back, she’d begun gripping the armrest of her seat and clenching her eyes shut when not looking his way. Her teeth had become permanently affixed to her bottom lip and he feared that at any moment her actions would soon draw blood, but whether her own or his, he was not certain. The closer they had come to their destination, the more color her cheeks had lost and she looked to be more agitated by the second. She had made them agree, before their journey, that death was to be her only option if she should become afflicted with vampirism and he wondered at what point in time in the near future would he be forced to act on that promise. Sooner rather than later seemed the best option, but he had more important things to worry about.
They had all left Varna by different modes of transportation: Johnathan and Arthur by steamboat, Seward and Quincey Morris by horse, and he and Mina by train. He deduced that Johnathan and Arthur would arrive in Galatz first, due to the mountainous and uneven terrain that he now travelled upon. He suspected that Johnathan, who was becoming increasingly angry, would not be overly kind to the Count based on the vampire’s decision towards his fiancé and Van Helsing hoped he would not let impulse override logic. For, at the moment, the Count had the upper hand and Van Helsing was currently inclined in the already heavy atmosphere, to ignore the feeling that he had overlooked something, though it’s nagging, he believed, would not cease until Dracula was nothing but ash on the castle floor.
In his musing upon this grievous topic, he had effectively blocked Mina’s irritation, but he was almost shocked to find that they were now arriving at the Galatz station, where the three groups had previously agreed to meet. The trip had taken a few hours and Mina now appeared to have a greater handle on her emotions, though she fidgeted constantly. He would need to consult with the others on how best to proceed with this future woman of the undead, but it would have to wait until after their confrontation. Looking around for the rest of his companions, he failed to locate Johnathan and once again his gut wrenched.  Hearing his name being called, he turned to see Arthur rushing towards them. So, it was as he feared. The fool had gone alone in a fit of pride to execute the one thing that stood in his way of happiness. He looked toward Mina to find her sallow skinned, fear inhabiting her eyes as she made eye contact. Perhaps, if they hurried, they could catch him and maybe Mina could talk some sense in to her betrothed, but all hope seemed futile.
Making their way to the castle, hoping that Seward and Morris would join them quickly when they realized the situation, but not having a choice, they ascended the mountain where the castle was perched upon. Squinting in the darkness, he was unsurprised to find two lone figures ahead in the distance in what appeared to be a courtyard, only illuminated by the torch held in the smaller framed man’s hand. Though there was a gasp to his right, he was shocked still as the only woman in their group screamed and rushed forward, effectively catching the attention of the two men before her. Van Helsing suspected that she had taken leave of her senses in her state of discomfiture and he knew that she had little time left. Regardless of the outcome, she would be dead soon enough. A voice in his head, that he’d tried to ignore all along, reminded him that, most likely, they all would be, one way or the other. Especially now that one of the Count’s arms was acting as a vice around Jonathan’s neck. He could hear Mina’s pleas for his freedom in return for servitude and Johnathan’s gasps of pain. The count merely laughed and as he felt a chill creeping up his spine, he realized he had not one weapon that could save them all. Though he had a crucifix attached to his belt that was neighbor to the lone stake he carried, Dracula now had leverage and he did not. Mina would be no help to him in her currently deteriorating state and Arthur had next to no skill in dealing with a monster of this caliber. It was likely that Seward and Morris would arrive to this courtyard in the near future to find nothing but ash and despair. Deep down, he knew it to be true. The Count would likely murder his two companions and himself and would certainly take Mina as his own, with or without her consent. But what kind of man would he be to surrender now? After all they’d done? Wielding the only two weapons in his arsenal, one in each hand, he took a step forward towards death, which was now staring back at him unerringly. The only sounds to be heard was a deep, but chilling laugh that echoed through the surrounding valleys, immediately followed by woman’s desperate scream.

Alternate Ending:
Making their way into the castle, hoping that Seward and Morris would join them quickly when they realized the situation, but not having a choice, they ascended the mountain where the castle was perched. Squinting in the darkness, he was unsurprised to find two lone figures ahead in the distance. However, as they grew closer he began to realize the two figures expanded into five. He became very confused. The other three people introduced themselves in one of the most pleasant soothing voices he had ever heard. The three men’s names were Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Van Helsing was very bewildered and not sure how to react by these extra men. All he knew was that he knew he should be scared. The three new men seems rather old and very serious. He then realized that the four vampires; the Count, Aro, Caius and Marcus, had Jonathon hostage. Mina was pleading to try and keep her fiancé alive. Aro walks towards Mina and Van Helsing jumps in front of her. He promises not to hurt her so Van Helsing reluctantly steps aside.
Aro takes Mina’s hand so quickly that she jumps, both from being startled and the chill of his skin. Aro can see the images in Mina’s mind of her and Jonathon together and so in love. Aro being much nicer than the others thinks they should let Jonathon go so they can continue this happiness. Marcus, being much more serious, just thinks that they should kill them both and use them to feed. Aro is not having any of this. Aro and Marcus begin to argue. In the midst of the arguing the Count is getting closer and closer to Jonathon’s neck. Mina realizes what’s going on and screams. Aro and Marcus turn so quickly and sharply that they do not even seem to move. Aro snaps Dracula’s arm off so quickly that it seems effortless even though it breaks like stone. Dracula screams and Jonathon runs to Mina. Aro looks at the two lovers and says, “Say anything and we will be back.” 

Train Crashes and Zombie Nazis

Mina and Van Helsing were sitting quitely in their train car, Van Helsing reading “How to Stake the Life Out of People: Impaler Stye” and taking notes on the back of his tea napkin.
            “Van, I think you've learned quite enough about impaling for today, why don't you find out how much longer this train is going to run..”
            With no response, Van Helsing pretended he had heard nothing and continued turn the pages. Mina sighed with disappointment, stood up from her seat and proceeded to the front of the cab. The steward opened the door Mina to pass through and slipped him a nickel for his services. As soon as the door closed behind her, the train shifted violently throwing everyone around. Mina collapsed into an empty seat and held on tightly as the rest of the passengers began looking around to see what damage may have occurred. Voices began chiming in saying things like, “Oh, are you alright” and “what a doozy”. What the members of the train didn't realize was the the lead train car had been derailed from the rest of the line and the train was no plummeting out of control towards a trackline with debris from a recent storm blocking the track. After gathering her thoughts, Mina looked outside and saw two men racing on horses after them. Suddenly, a hand grasped her side and pulled her through the window. Before Mina could get her bearings straight, she was wire walking along the side of a rushing locomative waiting for the two horsebacked riders. Mina now saw the rocks, trees and rubble that lay ahead of the rushing train and realized the situation fully. Above it, a twirling, thunderous tavern of darkness lay above the trees that lay around the trees following along the river. Mina had the inclination that this rubble ahead was no means of just some faulty cliffs.
            The train continued to rattle and sway and it seemed for Van Helsing and Mira that they would surely not make it out of this scenario without these riders coming to their rescue. With a little bit of a struggle and lots of other climactic shit, Mina and Van Helsing got off the train as it plummeted into the tree and rocks creating a massive cloud of black smoke. The smoke covered the rest of the sky with the same black haze that settled over the river valley beyond them.
            “Not sure what kind of storm is brewing over there but I know I have no interest of riding into a crash,”
Suddenly, the ground rattled and people's balance began to fleet from them. Trees were derooted and a swarm of animals rushed through the land past our battling characters.
            Apocalyptic zombies were now swarming the land that lay below the dark swirling clouds, armed with bazookas, chain saws, and swords made of fire. An air strike was called by the Nazis up north and suddenly the black sky was peppered with planes dropping bombs on the land below. The darkness was being overpowered by the explosive fire that began to burn down the bodies. As Mina and Van Helsing looked up at one another, surrounded by zombie-Nazis.