Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Class Blog #2


Thank the lord class was canceled on Monday! I was so hungry and hadn't eaten all day, so a good lunch was definetely in order. Even though class was canceled on Monday, we did still have a lot of work to do! An annotated bibliography was due yesterday and I am still not completely sure if I even did it correctly. I know the information in my bibliography was correct, but the format I am still unclear about. Hopefully Professor Hodges will be lenient while grading.

So, a fellow classmate just pulled up an article titled, "Twilight Movie Causes 13 Year-Old Boy to Bite 11 Classmates." How crazy is that???? Apparently the child bit 11 kids in the span of 2 weeks and claimed that he was an actual vampire! Maybe that kids needs some physiological help.

Have a good week, I'll be back later this week!


  1. That is crazy! It goes to show you how much books can influence our lives, especially young kids! He must've gotten into the book a little too much. I wonder what happened to him? If he got suspended or not?!

  2. Whoa! That's a bit intense! That's when parents need to step in and get that kid some real help, or watch what they read.

  3. That is absolutely crazy. Kids today are just nuts. I don't understand how they think that those types of things are okay. People are just getting crazier and crazier.
