The story is that a 13 year old boy bit 11 of his class mates over a month period of time after seeing the Twilight movie. I think this is another satire article brought to you by a religious website against Twilight. I find these article very amusing. I do not by any means condone these actions of this 13 year old boy but i will take a look at it from the belief it is satire. I do want to give this boy credit for taking twilight further then any other Twitard. There are twilight fans who believe they are vampires and per take in drinking blood of animals and human bought blood but i haven't read any where about them actually biting people.This boy has raised the bar for twitards all over the world. I would like to show you one quote from the article "All these behaviors of course will snowball into adult habits that will lead to a criminal life and eventually early death.
If you notice your teen son or daughter wearing questionable clothing that you don’t like and they have seen Twilight movie or own the related vampire manual books (check their rooms), it’s only a matter of time before they are out having wild sex, catching disease and drinking animal blood." WOW. This is just a small sample of the article. I hope you find this funny enough to read. I will take this from a more realistic stand point.
1. The fact that a 13 year old boy bit one person is alarming enough!!! but here is where i believe this article is fake due to the fact it states he bit 11 students in a month period. First of all this would be under national scrutiny and the school district would have several civil suits brought against it for allowing this child to remain in school and putting the other students safety in jeopardy.
2. The statistics in this article are not cited with any relevant sources. "they are humors tho"
3. The website is a christian radical website.
4. If your child bites some one at the age of 13, i don't believe twilight is to blame but believe there is possibly other significant psychological issues that need to be addressed.
5. Finally if one kid was bit i believe the other kids would have stayed away from this child like the plague and i highly doubt 10 other kids would come close enough to be bit by him.
When I was in first or second grade, me and my friend were teasing a girl because her shirt was tucked into her underwear. I got up to do something and when I came back, his wrist was being devoured by that girl's mouth. My friend needed three stitches and the girl was expelled from school. Whoops.. I bet it's a fake as well, because no school/school district would allow a kid to bite that many people. Unless he/she was having a sexual affair with the disciplinarian of the school. Yaoza!